We offer the Locinox Ornamental LAKY and LAKQ latches to use with you aluminum or iron gates. We found out that they recently made a slight change to the design that we wanted to share since the old style is on our videos and sections of our website.
The functionality and installation of the latch has not changed, but they did slightly re-design the body shape and detail around the handle and deadbolt. Below is a photo the original Locinox latch we’ve sold for years:

The revised body style has a more rounded body in the corners and removes the rosettes around the handle and deadbolt for a more simple embossed area around them:

The revised latch is a little plainer looking, but the older design elements were causing interference on some gates and were changed to avoid that. While the look has changed, the function and installation remains the same. Its still an extremely high-quality latch options for those wanting something more distinctive than a gravity latch style with a bar and clasp.