We get a lot of folks that come to us with pre-conceived notions of iron or aluminum fence material looking nicer than the other. Is there any truth to this?

When it comes to looks, we get a lot of folks that think aluminum fence always looks cheap and flimsy when compared to iron fence. While we would normally agree with that notion, we built our Infinity Aluminum® line to look like a wrought iron fence instead of taking the cheap approach like our competitors. A lot of our competitors use very ‘builder’s grade’ materials without any definition, strength or considerations for looks. Their aluminum fence is more of a ‘gets the job done’ than beautiful focal point for your yard.
Just because you want an aluminum fence doesn’t mean you should have to compromise on the look of the fence!
Check out the video we did or read on to see if iron fence or aluminum fence is the better looking option!
If you compare our Stronghold Iron® and Infinity Aluminum ® fences and gates to each other, both look very nice and are actually pretty similar in appearance.

- Both have solid, welded-on sand-cast finials for an authentic look
- Both feature shaped punched rails that the pickets are fed through
- Both have similar sized components in each grade
The only real appearance difference is that the aluminum pieces have a slightly taller rail face and the pickets are screwed to the rail. The iron pickets are welded to the rail and have a lower profile rail so we can get the welder underneath. So where you will have a screw head on one side of the rail in aluminum, your iron panels will look the same from either side. Other than that, our Stronghold Iron® and Infinity Aluminum® product lines are almost identical looking.
Whether you chose iron or aluminum, our Iron Fence Shop products will give you a timeless and beautiful accent to your home. If you have any other questions on the looks between the two, feel free to call or email us (800-261-2729 / [email protected]) or request one of our sample boxes to see the two materials firsthand.